Friday, 25 August 2017

The Second Book The 13th Chapter - The Power of Speech

July 2/17

My youngest child graduated from high school yesterday.  I am so proud of her accomplishments and the amount of challenges she has over come to arrive at that moment crossing the stage last night.  I was so grateful to be there last night and to witness her passage into young adulthood.

During the ceremony there was a few different speeches from the graduating class.  The first few were what you would expect from young adults that are full of potential yet lack life's living experience.  Generally over time and life experiences provide folks with a certain amount of wisdom.

When the last man stood up to present his speech a energy shift magically descended on to the room filled with a few thousand people.  When this young man spoke he commanded the attention of the audience and even redirected applause during his speech.  He spoke from a place of wisdom and understanding that was from a place much older than he was.  He created an atmosphere of enlightenment mixed with reflective thought on recent events.  His time spent speaking was short yet his impact of his words will be long.

This caused me to think about the power of speech and the impact that it can have on others.  It was not only his words that were noble but also the kind energy that he filled the room by his words and sharing of his emotions.  One person at a time was impacted by his presentation and interaction with the graduating class and crowd.  It was clear he was in his moment and also was living his passion.  I realized as he spoke that not all of the people present fully understood his message, yet there was still an impact being made.

With time and age some folks will fully understand the intent of the message.  Based on the power of speech the importance of understanding your objective and audience is paramount.  Usually you won't speak to thousands of folks at once, so to tailor a presentation to people of various backgrounds will be difficult.  Determine what you want to accomplish when you are using others time.  From there determine your audience and their needs.  If you are not sure, do some research prior to your presentation to ensure you have true understanding of their needs.  By having understanding of your audience you then will achieve a real connection.  By these real connections your time spent will still be brief however your lasting impact will be large and remain with others.

This will be a factor of how to either start your success momentum or to gather more.  Now go out and start connecting.

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