Thursday, 10 August 2017

The Second Book "And You Keep Climbing - Continuing Your Journey of Growth" The 1st Chapter - Source of your reality.

June 15/17

Well the day has arrived today - today is the start of two new journeys.  The first one is the start of my second book and the second is I start this day as another north american statistic of a middle aged male in upper middle management that now finds myself without a job.  For over 20 years I have worked hard and achieved so much however yesterday afternoon I had the typical H.R representative meeting stating that I am being realigned and I am no longer required.

A eerie feeling descended upon me walking out of the office for the last time yet also knowing new opportunities will be around the corner.  What those are I am excited for yet still feel a mixed roller coaster of emotions.

The name of the new book is called "And You Keep Climbing".  Whatever journey you are on the only option to fully live life is to keep on climbing your mountain.  My thoughts drifted to a recent conference I attended and one of the speakers was Seth Godin.  He spoke of humans need for a tribe and as I thought about that concept, as I am now looking for a new tribe, I decided to explore that idea further.

My thoughts turned to what your tribe values and what you bring to the table in regards to your value.  So you need to ask yourself what do I bring for value and what does my tribe see as value?  That value is so relative and is always a moving target in a healthy organization.  Transition and the ability to transition the most efficient is key to you and the organization's health in the long term success.  To be successful in a tribe (organization) one has to know what they value.  Once you lean that does that value align up to your natural passions and gifts.  So depending on your your goals you can survive in any tribe by identifying that key component.  This will perhaps sound controversial however results completion is not always the key to your success in a organization.  Now not all organization are like that and this is not intended to be negative.  The point is to unlock some keys around you to help propel you to your greatness.  

Ask yourself what is your focus?  To survive and get through the day, month or year?  Or to live life and keep unlocking your passion?  What gets you excited when you wake up?  As we spend so much of our time in our life working, this time can shape our actions as a human beings.  These actions can influence us to make choices in our personal life that sometimes you might not be aware of the effect this is causing to your reality.

Life is energy and your choices will either add or subtract that energy from you.  Have you ever met a person that is always so full of energy and passion?  Have you ever asked them why they are like the way they are?  There is a very good chance they will say they are living their passion.

Once you start living your passion you will not run out of energy.  So if you are like me and have been realigned for other opportunities or your feeling like your in a rut.  Ask yourself what is the source of your reality.  Once you have identified that, make your choice of what you want to do next.

The phrase the world is your oyster is so true and so many successful people share with us freely that if you believe it, you will get all the goodness you deserve.

If you feel you can do more start by looking at your source and accept your truth.  Make your change now if you want too and if you want it.

True accountability rest inside of you.

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