Sunday, 27 August 2017

The Second Book The 15th Chapter - Finish Your Distance

July 5/17

Over the last few years I have been running and slowly have been increasing my performance.  I track my distance and time with each run.  Almost 2 weeks ago I decided I was ready to push my endurance length.  Not with a focus of time but with a focus on length of the run.

I was able to complete my goal of 13.2 km and during the last 3 km I noticed my legs starting to show signs of fatigue.  At the time the discomfort did not seem like an issue however during that day the discomfort become more apparent.  This discomfort did not require doctors care however my running performance on my next run slowed down drastically.

During the last 2 weeks I have continued to push forward with running however my current time is much slower than before my long run.  As I was running today I was thinking of my performance with a high sense of frustration, but I still did manage to finish my normal distance today.  With this completion today I had a sense of accomplishment as I adjusted my mindset of what my goal was today.  My goal was to improve my health and not to win a race of any kind.

I realized my biggest accomplishment for me was my ability to finish my distance of improved physical condition.  As I realized this my sense of frustration disappeared and was replaced with a sense of my accomplishment.  It is not as important of the speed you tackle your goals but the key importance is the finishing your distance.

All your best ideas, thoughts and dreams are valuable to you however if you don't act on them and complete them, you will never finish.  Also during your journey you will have mountains to climb and you will notice a slowing down of your pace of completion.  Once this happens think back briefly to how far you have already come and use this thought redirection for your fuel to propel yourself forward.

Remember to finish your distance and this is how you will be able to level yourself up.  When your feeling frustrated allow yourself to readjust your path to your goal.  This skill of goal adjustment is key for you to be able to complete your goals.  All great journeys of life are faced with adversity and successful people will adjust the path to their distance completion.

Look at your current challenges with a positive lens as these challenges will make you a better person.  Remember you have asked for your current challenges and the key is to create your opportunity in your challenges.  By doing this it will allow you to finish your distance.

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