June 23/17
My thoughts have been on challenges as of late and how these challenges can impact my life. Recently I had the pleasure to meet an executive of a large organization and this person is responsible for a large area of territory. During their day to day activities this person is making a positive difference in people's lives by one act of kindness at a time.
The lesson of challenges and choices is the gift that was shared to me. I assumed the leader of this organization would not have normal direct life's challenges like most of us regular people that are trying to gather our energy to survive in this world do. However I quickly learned this is not the case and they too face challenges in everyday life such as we do.
They were faced with some issues recently which seemed they were in a situation where a positive outcome was going to be difficult to achieve. This person spent only 12 hours on problem reflection and early the next business day decided to focus on what variable that could be impacted in a positive way vs. to focus on the show stopper. With this mind set change within 4 hours a solution was put into action. In a mere 4 hours of working time at a high level, a long term effective solution was created.
From a position of not going forward to now gaining momentum which will have the result of many people's life getting impacted in a positive way. A challenge which lead to a choice and now a reality. How many times have you been in a situation that found you challenged? We all have and all our challenges are significant to us. The difference between your success or failure is how you make your choices of your challenges.
A 3 step process of recognizing the challenge, make your choice and then your reality will unfold. Also realize sometimes you will have no impact of direction or control of the original challenge. During this 3 step process the critical requirement by you comes in step 2, your choices based on your challenge is were the work is required by you for a success of reality.
As the universe is all about balance and return on your efforts your reality will be directly impacted on your expended energy. Take your challenges and quickly view them as opportunities to level yourself up. View them as a personal development skill set practice sessions of your life. With each challenge grow stronger and learn from your choices.
All successful people have challenges, just like you do now, the seed of success are planted with your choice, which will grow into your reality.
The gift of growth will be yours to enjoy and share with others. Start planting your seeds of success during this moment of the challenges you are facing now.
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