Thursday, 24 August 2017

The Second Book The 12th Chapter - Outgrow Your Tree

July 21/17

Recently the area I lived in was hit by two major wind storms.  After these two wind storm I noticed several large trees that had been blown over by the wind.  As I thought about all the damage and lost time of all those trees growth, at first it appeared to be a total loss.  However with time I realized a leasson for me that I would like to share.

The wind overcame the strength of some of the trees and with this force they were broke apart.  Even though for up to 30 to 40 years these trees in the past were able to survive storms.  This was a new day and a new challenge for these trees and they were not able to stand.  All the growth in the past could now not change the current reality of the tree breaking apart.

As I was looking around I noticed breaks on different locations on some of the trees.  Some were high up and the result was only a small part of the tree had failed and fell to the ground.  So ultimately these types of breaks the trees are able to continue to grow and be able to live another day.  In the very same condition some trees had broken at the base or even in some cases the entire root system had been pulled out of the ground and toppled over.  In both these cases the trees loss will be fatal and will not survive another storm.  In some of these case the failure of these trees had caused a lot of damage to cars and homes below them.

So two thoughts came to me.  One is when we are faced with life's storms and challenges.  When we break in the wind, how much damage will we cause to others around us.  Will we completely fail and cause others to lose energy as well?  Or will we cause little damage to others when we fail like the trees that lost the higher branches.  The second thought is when we face one of life's storms are we going to be ourselves after the storm has passed?  Are you going to be able to make the choice to let go of your higher branches and live to become stronger?  Or end up hanging on too long and end up losing everything?  Ensure you do not outgrow your support system as you journey on in your life.

In life we cannot control the impact of the strength of our storms.  However we can learn to bend and grow with life's storm experiences.  The choice is your to decide to outgrow your tree and cause significant damage to you and others.  Or learn how to shed some of your extra branches that will eventually cause you to fail in these storms.

Once again using the patterns in nature we can use these observations to help out success and to become stronger with each storm we face.

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