Monday, 30 October 2017

The Second Book The 60th Chapter - When Was The Last Time You Were Scared

Sept 19/17

When was the last time you pushed your personal development zone and you scared yourself and stepped out of your normal comfort zone?  After you scared yourself did you notice a sense of satisfaction for your push into new territory?  After that rush feeling of accomplishment was over did you notice a feeling of growth?  How much time did you spend realizing what you just achieved?

When this would happen with me in my past, I would focus on that rush feeling of accomplishment, in a sense acting like an adrenaline junkie.  While this did provide value to me, it was never lasting and that rush feeling was fleeting.  When that would happen I was in search of my next big quest to scare myself again by taking the risk of doing something new.

I knew I needed to explore to grow but I was missing the substance of the full experience.  By feeling that full experience it allowed me to have long term sustainable satisfaction and happiness on my accomplishments.

I would like to share a story that happened to me today.  As some of you know I have a passion to create value in others through the use of new concepts of old ideas.  I know that to fully leverage my creative value that I need to capitalize on all venues of social media.  I have a passion to be a speaker and to be able to speak to large audiences throughout the world.  I also know large scale public speaking is something that is difficult.

It is difficult for me because my anxiety comes up in me and causes me to lock out my thoughts.  Usually my thoughts flow easy to me and I add value to conversations I have but with my heighten anxiety this sometimes does not flow.  All my well thought out ideas are replaced with no sound to my voice combined with a sense of panic.  As I know this is a weakness, I know I need to practice, however as this doesn't come easy I have tried to avoid any kind of live speaking and the use of notes.

So over the last few days as I know I would have to do my second live broadcast and integrate the improvement from feedback on my first broadcast.  Finally after two days, I decided this morning of a plan and a action item for me to complete.  The plan was to send out the message that I was going to start a live broadcast this Sunday.  Once that message was complete, I then would upload that live video to my YouTube account.  All of which I completed in approximately two hours.

I was terrified yet I pushed forward and immediately after, a sense of the feeling of accomplishment and rush was felt.  This time I didn't stop myself at the rush stage but allowed myself to feel the sense of accomplishment where true happiness was growing.  Using this example and by keeping this process simple I know I have to continue to repeat as this will build a life of success.

When are you going to push yourself to grow from your fear?

Saturday, 28 October 2017

The Second Book The 59th Chapter - Believe Your Vision

Sept 19/17

Do you hold yourself to high standards and with these standards you question your direction that your vision provides you?  How do you know when to proceed or pause?  In short you do both at the same time with balance.

In my formal leadership role I was given the opportunity to grow more than my job description.  It was three years ago I brought an idea on change process to an already successful company.  It took almost a full year for that concept to evolve to a point of fact finding and looking at how to apply the initial process changes.  It took an additional year after that for the needle for change to shift of culture within the organization.

During that three year incubation period, I continued to bring up other ideas as well and paused initially during the first year of this process idea change.  The strategy of the two points of proceed and pause was utilized.  If you want to grow and add value, use the this concept everyday.

Integrate your ability to bring up and share your vision with more than one topic.  Whether it be work or personal life, keep aligning up your visions of next steps and applying them.  When valuable concepts need to be paused, for a number of different reasons, allow them to pause.  This pause time is critical for your visions to come to a reality.  It is better to pause then to proceed through with your vision, as by pushing too hard may cause the end of your vision.  The key importance of managing time needs to be applied here.  This can be explained by when driving a car when you come to a corner you need to slow down to safely take the corner.  Once the turn is completed then acceleration or the concept of to proceed can then be applied to allow you to arrive at your destination. 

You will feel when it is a time for a pause and during that time information from others will support your motivation for a pause.  Completion of your vision will provide you a valuable experience that your vision was accurate to what others now view as value.  By practicing your ability to execute these two points of strategy you will be able to almost unconsciously lead others.  Most importantly this success will help you build your ability to lead yourself.

In my example it took a year to start any change and at first I was unsettled and frustrated.  However my focus of change was to be grateful and to gather strength that my idea of vision was one that did increase the organizational value. 

My past I would have spent a lot of time with this sense of frustration.   That sense of frustration provides absolutely zero value for anyone including me.  My take away was to proceed on tasks when the opportunity was there and let pause's be what they are, just a pause and not an ending.

The pattern of balance and harmony is required for success.  With allowing the pause to exist that adds to the need for that harmony in the required areas of your life.  This experience has been another treasure of understanding self.  With the understanding of myself, that has led to me having a true sense of long term and sustainable happiness.

This feeling I have been searching for such a long time but up until recently has eluded me.  I have realized true joy and growth can not be from outside of me.  No amount of outside stimulation can replace the hard work that is required within me.  I also realize happiness will not remain without consistent work on my balance. 

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

The Second Book The 58th Chapter - Gift of a True Friend

Sept 19/17

Have you felt the need to grow your strong and positive inner circle but are unsure of how to accomplish this?  Do you feel the need to grow an ability in your lift through the mentorship of others?

I had that feeling and specifically I value creativity of art and have a desire to learn more about writing.  I grew up as a conservative capitalist views with a strong focus on creating value that truly matters in the form of material things.  This environment of growth and shaping of me in my younger years was not a direct result of teaching from my parents.  In fact it was a trait that grew up in me from my parents over zealous acts of kindness to others.

Kindness to others is key and that something that we all should strive to do.  As a young child though when I experienced a lack of resources it became a struggle for me to embrace the fact of these resources were being given to others.  So this is the driving force and focus for me, as I went through my early teens I did not see the value of creativity.  I also know as a teenage boy I did lack the understanding of life and had selfish thoughts that revolved around me.

It wasn't until my early 40's I started to realize how much I enjoyed writing and sharing with others.  Once this writing started to occur the need for even more creativity surfaced in me.  From live theater, books of all kinds, to embracing someone that is creative at their core of being.  All of which I highly appreciate but also recognize the importance of balance.

This is when another true friend shared with me unexpectedly with me one evening.  I randomly received a text suggesting I should tune into a local community radio broad cast.  It was filled with a mix of deep light music and words of poetry.  All of which provided me with a deeper connection for the realness of life.  It helped me to over come a sense of loneliness and grew my realization of growth over the last few years.

This is a true friend and thank you Robbie for allowing yourself to share with me.  I have an excellent group of inner circle friends but what I have found in my growth is a deeper connection with these people.  All of which is driven by truly understanding myself and ensuring my actions are lining up to my true self.  The use of communication skills is another key factor as I share with my core of being of creativity with my inner circle.

Most times I have been meant with understanding although there are a few folks that fade away.  I have focused to keep this process simple in my life and by doing this, I am growing my success of having true friends.

Focus on what you truly want and keep repeating that process of working towards that in your daily life.  It is like a small rotation of a peddle that will enable you to reach your destination with the millions of small rotations.  Success in friendship will come to you and more importantly it will remain with you.

Monday, 23 October 2017

The Second Book The 57th Chapter - Realize Your New Year Resolutions All Year

Sept 18/17

How many times have you made a new year's resolution with the start of a new year?  Once those are made how many of your resolutions are successful?  The ones that were not successful, what is the reason why?  What would your life be like if all of your new year's resolutions became successful and placed into your daily reality?

I would like to share of how you can integrate your new year's resolutions all year long and be successful with them.  First I want you to think about what is success and how that relates to you.  When I first started writing my two goals were accomplished by setting my bar of success at a realistic level.  That was for me to heal and grown and to help at least one person. 

When your starting your goal, keep the bar of success high but not to the point where it drives your failure.  My thoughts turned to my son and when he first started to ride his peddle bike without the aid of training wheels.    He practiced all summer with his training wheels on when finally the time came he wanted to ride without the aid of these wheels.  He told himself, once the training wheels were off he would ride successfully with his first try.  So he set his bar incredibility high and it was an all or nothing type of success measurement that he had set for himself.  He told himself he would quit trying with the failure of just once and ask to have his training wheels reinstalled.

So the time came for his first ride without the aid of the wheels and he was not successful to complete his first try under his control.  When that happened his own psychological contract came to play and he quit mentally.  At the time I provided him support and encouragement he needed but more importantly I was able to ask him questions of what went wrong.  By the use of these questions he recognized his internal bar for his success was set to high.  Then magic happened, he changed his measurement point of success to one of to try vs. be able to win and complete a peddle bike race.  As he tried his second time he successfully rode his bike for his first time under his own control.  He was able to create his greatest wish repeatedly and with each revolution of his peddle, he was able to improve his skill.

Whatever your resolutions are at new years, ask yourself what is your bar of success set at?  Then with this concept start to integrate your life's improvements all year round and do not wait for a special day for the starting of your goals.  By waiting to start your important goals is time spent wasted in the pattern of practicing to rotate your peddles.  Also with carefully identifying your bar of success you will be able to complete your stretch goals you have set for yourself.

Then the magic will start to happen as almost without effort and  without fulling realizing it at the moment, you will start to accomplish your goals.  The overall impact will be the shifting of your mental mind set from I can do it vs. I have failed again.  This is a mindset that will enable you to find and to also leverage your greatness. 

Friday, 20 October 2017

The Second Book The 56th Chapter - Success is Easy

Sept 17/17

Have you ever created something and saw some results and then asked yourself now what?  did you find that using your passion your success seemed easy?

As we experience life we will feel that once something is achieved it feels easier than at the beginning of our journey.  At the beginning we see obstacles and have to talk ourselves out of quitting on this task.  Well the good news is you have realized your success and the bad news is the even harder work now begins.

Over the last two years I had a focus on growing and with that growth I was integrating that into my work.  I was seeing success and momentum was accelerating and then in one moment my job ended.  At first I had a moment of this is not a big deal and I can handle this challenge with the tools I have learned. 

I realized about four weeks into this new journey that reality just became tough.  It was another two weeks after that of me trying to run away from this reality.  The harder I ran the further away I was from starting my hard work to find my place.  Then in one moment I realized my current path I was on would end up with me running out of time.  At the time I didn't know where I would end up however I knew if I didn't change my strategy I would never get back to a place where I felt value.

That  moment when I actually looked deep inside of me and asked what am I going to do is when that shift of mindset occurred.  I realized that no one was going to help my succeed directly when I had my defeatist attitude of mindset.  I realized great and successful people can only afford to surround themselves with others of the same mind set.

It was up to me to roll up my sleeves and get to work.  So once you have experienced your success of your hard work prepare yourself to work even harder to push through your next valley.  All the work you have done, you don't want to lose it because you will if you don't start to change your mind set.

I remember at this time I also had an ankle injury and wasn't able to run.  I had trained myself for three years to get to my level of physical activity and I remember wanting to quit.  I just happened to meet an individual who was an avid runner and encouraged me not too.  Thank you for him I didn't quit and I just recently completed my first 10 km official run. 

Yes the three years of training was hard but the moment to start again after the ankle injury was even harder.  I realized initial success is easy by following my passion but long term success to overcome challenges is very difficult.  I now have a higher lever of awareness and I am equipped with a new skill to push through difficult times.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

The Second Book The 55th Chapter - Locating Your Gold Nuget

Sept 15/17

Have your ever felt your working hard on your goals yet not achieving them at the level you would like?  Does it seem like your going through an endless amount of material yet not getting a significant return? 

As I was thinking about that concept I started looking at my results and identifying if the return was at the level I was aiming for.  As I thought about that, the concept of gold mining came to mind and how gold is found.  Step one is researching the area and looking for a geological formation that is known to have gold in it.  That is the easy part, now starts the hard part of sorting through tonnes of earth in the hope of finding a small amount of gold.

As the mine is explored and worked the mother load of gold is usually found and once it is found, the miner will work that area until all the gold is removed.  Once it is played out there will be a movement to another area of the mine or perhaps moving to an entirely different location. 

This process is started over again from the beginning of research and repeated.  Even though the process repeats the successful return of gold always varies.  As I thought about this concept I then applied this type of methodology to my life.

Starting the importance of selecting my goal, doing my research and going out to mine for my results.  There were times I would be stuck and keep looking in the wrong place and taking in the incorrect material.  This material did not align up to my goals of what I was trying to accomplish hence I was not able to find my success.  There was also times I was distracted and didn't fully capitalize on the return that was available to me.  Then comes the hardest experience, where I believed I am on the correct mine yet no results are coming or they are not at the level I would like.

In these moments I question if I am where I am supposed to be and if this mine is in my alignment of my goals.  As you ponder this thought, how does it impact your current situation?  Do you need to reflect on your goal?  Once you reflect do you need to change your goal? 

If you know your goal is sound then perhaps you need to change your mine location.  Yet if you know your goal and location is sound then keep working your strategy.  Even with your dark moments of doubt, when you quiet your mind you will know the answer to your questions.  You will know what you need to do for your success as your intuition will tell you.

As I am living life, one of my biggest lessons is the lesson of patience with digging deep, that is when the returns will come.  It is written in the cosmos of nature that with alignment of all three of these concepts you will find your gold nugget and your success. 

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

The Second Book The 54th Chapter - Run Your Race

Sept 13/17

Have you found yourself on a journey or task and then you start having thoughts of wanting to quit?  Perhaps people around you are doing the same type of task and their pace is maintained or is increasing?  What did you do in these moments?  How far did you dig deep into the core of who you are to access more energy?

Over the last three years I have been working hard at increasing my level of physical activity.  During this three year period I signed up for three different running races and the first two I was not able to start due to an ankle injury.  With a sense of huge frustration of not being able to run the races but also each day of not running, due to the injury, my physical ability slipped that I had worked so hard on achieving. 

It seemed like one lost day of running equated to ten days of training.  So in this case my stubbornness drove my determination that had a positive effect on me.  Usually my stubbornness in my past would have the result of taking away from my life, when my energy was directed incorrectly. 

Once again I am ready to start training for my first official 10 km run to be held on Sept 10/17.  I trained hard all the month of Aug and the beginning of Sept.  I then took two full days off before the race and finally the moment arrived, the moment of standing with hundreds of other runners with the same goal as mine, to complete the race. 

I knew my pacing was important as I didn't want to burn myself out, yet I did want to not only finish but to beat my personal best time on a 10 km run.  The gun shot rang out and the race started and along came the 5 km marker.  At this time I could feel my pace was faster than my normal and then at the 6 and 7 km mark my pace started to slow.

As I was running my race at that moment, as other runners started to pass me, I quickly went from the thought of just wanting to finish the race to digging deeper and increasing my speed.  As that thought grew in me, I quickly dismissed all thoughts of discomfort and reached into my core.  I pushed myself harder and my speed increased and from the 8 km mark to the finish, I continued to pass other runners.

With my finish I accomplished my two main goals, one was the actual finish of the race and the other was I did beat my personal best time on a 10 km run.  The third thing I realized after the race is that I can do better in my next race based on this experience.

When your struggling in your race or task push yourself harder and you will accomplish what you set out to do.  The return for you on this effort is the incredible sense of satisfaction of your job well done.  This sense of satisfaction you feel can be replicated by no one or anything.  You will realized it is you that creates your enjoyment of life.  Of you efforts that all came together to finish your race.  This is your moment to dig deeper and run your race from the energy inside of you.  When you faced with the thought of quitting, quickly disregard that thought and think of what you can achieve. 

Monday, 16 October 2017

The Second Book The 53rd Chapter - Getting Real

Sept 12/17

Have you ever experienced a moment of transition and not fully communicated your true feelings to others?  Perhaps worried of sharing completely your reality of fear and then showing your weakness? 

I have done that several times during my life and I realized by doing that I never fully achieved what I needed for support.  What I need during times like these is friendship and a real connection that will provide me a sense of comfort.  That sense of comfort that helps bridge us in our moments of transition. 

About a month ago I realized I was not getting the support I needed and I could feel the negative effects on me as the days moved on.  It was then I finally got over my stubbornness and contacted my friend John.  For the first time I actually allowed myself to share on this level of my realness and allowed my vulnerability to be exposed. 

I shared how as time has gone on how I was getting frustrated and depressed with the lack of finding a similar past work position.  I shared how my ego was getting hit hard and communicated I was not sure of what the future looks like to me.  In my past, doing the typically guy thing I would down play any emotions and not truly share my reality.  I would say general things like yes I am doing some talking but would never fully share.

This time as I did fully share my emotions, I received support, understanding and more importantly comfort.  With these three things getting added to my life, it allowed me to change my attitude which directly impacted my outlook.  So from a change of expectation and low sense of self-worth to one of a sense of purpose and direction.

In addition John introduced me to folks that were looking for people to add to their teams.  All of this information I would never fully received if I replied in my normal fashion and not being real.  The past vague responses would have received past vague interactions and nothing concrete in next steps of value.

If you are in this spot now, realize what is occurring with you and reach out to a positive influence.  It is ok to ask for help as that is part of what makes us human.  Once the gift of help is given to you, it is your duty to act on that help.  Getting real help will allow you to move forward and ensure you don't get lost in your cycle of self-doubt.  With a self-doubt cycle you will never achieve what you can fully reach with your built in super power.

It is also a disservice to not act on the real help given to you as that would be a waste of a precious gift from someone.  These precious gifts are limited so use them wisely and to your advantage.  By practicing your ability to get real, this will allow you to understand yourself at a higher level that will daily increase your effectiveness.  You will feel the growth that you have not felt in your past.

Friday, 13 October 2017

The Second Book The 52nd Chapter - Success is Completion

Sept 11/17

What does success look like to you?  Does your current view of success provide the value of what you want in your life?  How do you achieve more success?

These are thoughts I have in my goals to keep becoming a better person.  In my past I have had a view of my success.  What I mean is, when I accomplished a goal I felt it wasn't enough and because of that, the sense of self-satisfactions eluded me.  Which then caused me to have a result of not building my motivation for success in building future accomplishments.

Recently I was able to meet with my great friend Jim and it has been a while since we spent time together.  As we discussed our lives over the past year, he commented on all the growth and goals that I have completed.  With excitement he shared the thought that all of the goals I previously shared with him in our last meeting, I have accomplished.  Two of these goals took a razor focus on my part to finish.  It was during this time working full time in a leadership role I was able to balance the addition of new skill sets.  The goals were to become a serving member in our national police force and to publish my first book.

When I completed both of these goals I didn't view them as I should have, although each of them are very meaningful.  Once completed I quickly moved onto my next goals.  Jim reminded me the value of that I had accomplished and asked how I was able to complete that all in a short amount of time. 

Because of this conversation I re-thought the idea of the view of success and how it is applied to me.  I realized that success to the completion of my goals and to take those completion moments to integrate the energy of growth into my life.  I realized by doing this it will grow myself with the cycle of setting goals, completing them and using the energy of completion to restart this process over again.  This is a key requirement in the foundation of all of us to be able to experience the growth we all need in our life to feel that peace of nature. 

In my past I would over think experiences and create a reality of them becoming more complex than they should have been.  Use this cycle process in your life and repeat.  Keep your focus simple and work your process cycle with the goal of completion.  Everything you achieve takes energy and if you spread yourself on several different projects you will not have the energy for  effective completion.

The carrying of your dreams and goals will be dropped by you as your too depleted to finish what you have started.  It is common that we take to many goals on all at once and this creates an unrealistic view which causes our view of self to diminish.  Quite often you might not be aware of why this is occuring in your life. 

Ask yourself again what is your view of success for you.  If it now it has changed, how are you going to change your approach while keeping your approach simple?  Using this process cycle you will start feeling a change in your success of the completion of your goals.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

The Second Book The 51st Chapter - Like Minded People

Sept 9/17

Have you ever started sharing something new that is of you to others?  How do you know if your connecting or wondered who you are connecting with?

Recently I was wondering this and I continue to share thoughts and images of my first book on social media platforms.  As the volume of work has progressed I was wondering if one of my social media sites was providing value to others.  I was also concerned that I might be limiting my ability to do coaching or mentoring work at my location because of how I present is different than the main stream way that this area is used too. 

My good friend John and I had a conversation about this and I expressed my concerns of how I was presenting.  He started by asking me two questions, he asked if there are others posting that type of materiel from other locations.  He then asked if I was feeling a sense of value when I am posting my images.  Of course there is a yes to both questions and then he quickly stated, well keep posting and doing what your doing.

So I have continued to post my thoughts with a deeper sense of satisfaction of knowing I am providing value.  He also stated that there will be folks out there that are not looking for my type of material and will not find value in it.  He went on to say, that's ok and don't worry about the ones that are not engaged.  Another lesson was taught to me with this experience and that is, if I am feeling I am growing, then put out my material to the universe. 

The importance of keeping life simple comes to mind now.  By the act of keep moving forward with my work, this will start to engage the tractor beam of attracting like minded people.  I will start bringing in more people in my life that will find value in the energy from the sharing of thoughts.  These thoughts will also provide guidance or perhaps cause a pause of reflection to some that read these words.  I also don't worry about what folks think that do not find value in the materiel any longer,  as they are on their own journey that provides them with their alignment.

Life is amazing and as individuals we are all so different yet the same.  Topics and experiences are different in all of us yet the fundamentals of the need for emotional growth are the same.  As long as we all arrive at the completion of our journey  and feel we received the value we needed.  Then that is our win.  Harmony and balance with nature was then achieved in our life.

The more your practice and share your super power, the more you will attract like minded people.  When your unsure of your direction, rely on your trusted inner circle as your internal sounding board.  Once you have made your decision, then it is full steam ahead with your goals with relentless courage in the face of all obstacles.

This will take you to your success that you want and need in your life.

Monday, 9 October 2017

The Second Book The 50th Chapter - Growing Confidence

Sept 7/17

Have you ever found yourself in a place in your life of transition where your confidence is low?  As you try to go forward yet it seems like your doors of opportunity are not getting opened?

I would like to share an experience that happened to me yesterday.  In my past professional experience I worked hard at growing my level of competence through taking further education and practicing my new learned skills.  As I felt I did grow yet some of the people around me didn't seem to express the awareness of my growth.  The harder I tried to improve it seemed not lead to any change in the value others thought I could bring to the table.  It seemed I was viewed in almost the same way as day one of my growth.

Recently I was invited to attend a post secondary classroom session as a guest.  During the two hours I had the opportunity to have several conversations with the students.  In all of the conversations I realized that yes I was able to provide a greater source of value through my past training and learning.  From this realization the direct impact was the increase in my growing confidence.

Most of us strive to provide value and have that sense of when we have produced a positive experience that will remain with an individual.  Over the last few weeks I have struggled with my confidence of my ability to provide value to others.  There was a period that I felt myself retreating and not wanting to interact with others.  With this choice I notice my confidence lowering with each passing day. 

Then a great friend provided me with the help of encouragement and suggested that I should create some opportunities.  Even though it was difficult for me to reset my habit, I did push myself forward and did interact with others.  By doing this I realized the gift I was given was the gift of confidence.  I am now constantly working my confidence thought vs. allowing my thoughts to take me to a place not adding value.  This is difficult but I realize this is an exercise I need to do to build my overall confidence.

If you can relate to this feeling I encourage you to move to your opportunity and if you don't have one presently to then to create an opportunity.  Connect up with someone that will be able to help you.  Once you put you thought into action you will feel the results of your effort into your goal. 

This pattern replicates in nature and always it takes effort and reassurance to feel the gift of your success.  Use your moments in time to fully capitalize on your growth.  The sooner you start growing your confidence work, the sooner you will feel the benefit of your hard work on you.

The value of your good friend, that truly tries to help you are invaluable and to keep them close to you.  Look for a way to repay them back when the opportunity arises, now that you have experienced their gift to you.  This is then the start of a cycle that will be benefiting both of you.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

The Second Book The 49th Chapter - Letting Go

Sept 5/17

Have you ever had an experience that did not produce the desired outcome you had planned for and after that event held onto the hope of what could not be?  Perhaps wishing for a do-over or wishing for a different outcome?  Not letting go of that event and rethinking about that experience?  Ask yourself how much time do you spend in the mindset of reflection and then ask yourself if that time spent was valuable to you?  Chances are the time spend and your energy was not valuable.

As I am going through a transition in my career, having one book published and now working on my second, I still need to find a position that would provide me with a living.  Not long ago I was approached by a prestigious organization and was asked to come for an interview.  I was excited as this is an organization that I would like to work at.  It would provide value for my growth and I know I would have an positive impact on others around me.  A few meetings were arranged and completed before the formal meeting. 

All meetings were positive and seemed like a formal offer would follow soon.  Three weeks went by after a fury of activity and then I received a call with news I wasn't expecting.  No formal offer, which caused a few emotions in me, the obvious one of course was disappointment.  Along with disappointment my ego was also hit with a direct blow. 

As time went on I noticed my thoughts drifting back to one of I wish I was successful in the job application process.  Thoughts of regret, not valued and an general overall sense of beating myself up was my current mindset.  My good friend John called me last night and one of the topics I brought up was my feelings on this experience.  He listened politely and when I was finished.  He commented that there are millions of great people that have great experience and to not let this experience drag me down.

He went on to say, it wasn't meant to be and to move on, move on to something else that can produce value.  In that moment I realized I was in the mindset that I was in my past and that mindset was causing me to lose my momentum.  Because I wasn't fully letting go, it was shifting my current mindset to a point where I was going to miss my target of where I need to go.

Now using techniques taught to me before, once the negative thought of not letting go surfaces in my mind, I actually am able to stop that thought pattern.  To be able to recognize what and why is driving my change is mindset was one of the most valuable techniques in self growth.   It is very difficult for me to do yet I know I need to as this will help me reach the peace I deserve, that we all deserve in our life.

The old saying comes to mind now and that is don't cry over spilt milk, it seems so fitting and relevant now.  If this applies to you, take on your next change by letting go of your past which will enable you to level up your value.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

The Second Book The 48th Chapter - Measuring Your Value

Sept 1/17

How do you measure your value in regards to the positive impact on yourself and others around you?  Or more importantly how do you increase your own value of being a complete person?  All new growth starts when you start asking yourself questions like these.

These very same questions I have asked myself and continue to ask.  The value of you is ultimately determined by you with a combination of a life time of integrating new skills to help you achieve your goals. 

Picture a sailing ship that is beautiful with old fashioned craftsmanship and with a large sail area for the wind to push along that boat.  Now picture the entire splendor of that ship, including all the food stores required for a long voyage, except for the sails.  Currently the sails are in the storage position and the ship is not moving in that direction that it has been charted for. 

All of your life skills are the boat and the person you can become is determined by how you utilize these skills are in the sails.  As you deploy your sails further into the wind of life the greater your momentum becomes of your success.  The key is increasing your value that directly results in your sails getting deployed further.  Can you improve any current activities?

I would like you to think of two goals that you desperately want to complete, yet haven't.  Once you have them, write down two reasons for each goal to why you haven't completed them.  After you have completed this exercise, the next step is to sit quietly for five minutes and think back to why you wanted to complete these goals.  With your identified reasons of not completing your goals, refocus your aim of completion by breaking your goals into mini goals.  Keep in mind one step at a time combines to thousand to complete your distance.

Goal completing is your key to deploy your sails.  Running is a passion for me and even thought I do not consider myself competitive with expert runners, I am competitive with myself.  I am in the process of training for my first official 10 km organized race.  As I am getting ready, I am filled with doubt if I will be able to finish the race, even though I have completed this distance on my own. 

This morning I had a goal of doing a 5 km run at a slow pace and it's apparent of how my body reacts with this dynamic of the slow pace.  I completed the run easily and with that goal completion I felt a sense of accomplishment that rapidly transfered into a feeling of increasing my value.  I know at the pace I did I can easily double my distance.  I have done the research and I am doing the training for my goal.  This is the hard work and the feeling of finishing my mini goals which ultimately is driving my sense of increasing my value.

Look back at your two goals and how do you feel about a sense of value that relates to your goals.  Measure your value and now increase your value by completing mini goals.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

The Second Book The 47th Chapter - You Can Give Hope

Aug 31/17

What is the power of hope to someone?  Have you experienced or are experiencing a time where you are faced with a large amount of life's challenges?  Where it seems like you are on the right track yet results are not coming your way?  As your going through this period, have you wished someone would respond in a positive way that is supporting what you are trying to accomplish?  Then finally after days, months or even years you start to get positive feedback that results in providing you the feeling of hope.

How do you measure that value of the feeling of hope?  As I am currently on a new path for me there was days where there seems to be no feedback and I start to question if I am doing the correct thing for me.  It feels a lot like fishing to me and repeatedly casting my fishing line, yet catching nothing until finally someone responds and the feeling of hope appears.

I am currently working on going into the teaching and consulting role of growing people.  As this is new to me, I do not have a network to draw from that is directly tied to this platform.  Weeks have passed by with people indicating they might contact me yet with no response.  The thought of when one door closes another one opens, has taken a higher level of meaning to me now.  Then finally one day a response, followed up by a commitment of a meeting for a possible opportunity.  At this moment this is not a sure opportunity yet the gift of hope was given to me.

The lesson I have learned from this period in my life is to always follow up with your personal and business network.  Even though there might not be a long term relationship with that follow up, the gift of hope can start to replicate.  Who knows how that 5-10 minute of your time of your day has impacted someone's life.  Chances are that brief time you spend with someone has helped be a part of someone changing their life.  This gift has given them the hope to help them achieve their goal.

Now isn't that what truly living life is about?  To freely give with no expectations in return and from that free gift given, something of significance is created.  So the next time someone approaches you and if you have time, freely give your time to that person.  Perhaps your time given will be returned back to you in ways you did not think is possible.

I know how grateful I have been when I have received the gift of hope and these gifts of hope multiply from brief conversations to help me travel to where my future lies.  You too can give the gift of hope and truly make a difference to someones life.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

The Second Book The 46th Chapter - Achieve More Than Before

Aug 30/17

Have you ever worked on a goal and completed that goal but felt you could have done more?  Did you feel if you put in a little more effort at the time your results would have been better and more importantly the value of that experience could have been higher for you?

I think all of us can think back to an experience, a moment, project or interview where we could have done better.  I would like to share a story of my weekly running routine and the importance of pushing forward after a setback.  My running time for me had been improving for 2 years to the point I was very happy with my performance.  Then I had an ankle injury and my performance took a drastic step backwards.  So the initial success of my performance increased relatively easy and I saw improvement most days on my time.

After my injury and trying to improve again seemed like more of a struggle for me this time.  I went weeks of showing little to no improvement.  It was during these weeks the desire to quit running was higher than I experienced in the past.  I knew I could do better however for whatever reason my body would not perform like it used too. 

I know I could achieve more but wasn't getting the results I was used to prior to my injury.  I refused to give into the temptation of quitting, I refused to let all of what I worked so hard for slip away, like grains of sand in a hour glass.  With greater determination I pushed myself harder as I knew with each step I took, I had a little more to give.  From that starting point in my mind of wanting to dig deeper, the results started to improve.

That is all it takes on your own goals completion is to push just a little harder with each step.  To increase just a small amount per step in your daily results, will end up in a large gain overall.  With each focus of increasing your value at what your currently doing you will achieve more than you did before.

I can think of no better sense of satisfaction when you know you dug deeper and achieved your results you desired.  These intangible gifts that you provide yourself, that no else can, are what will carry you to your destination for you.  Statements you tell yourself I tried my best and you know you could have done better, no one else will know, but you will.  The more you tell yourself these untrue statements the more you will not be able to succeed in your goals.

The more you can drill down to your core at being honest with yourself is when magic will happen.  This magic is the secret ingredient which unlocks your passion.  Move yourself in a way that enables you to achieve more than you did before and this will add to your self-confidence of you.

Monday, 2 October 2017

The Second Book The 45th Chapter - Your Words Matter

Aug 29/17

Have you ever wondered if your words to someone have had an lasting impact?  Think for a moment of some of the words directed to you in a negative way that caused feelings of hurt in you.  How long has that hurt lasted?  How deep are the emotional scars of those words?

I want to share a story of the impact of years of hurtful words that have left deep emotional scars in me.  Scars that will never go away and have left holes deep enough that have caused tears behind closed doors. 

As a 43 year old man I have been taught from a young age to be tough and to not allow feelings to create an emotional response of crying.  When moments of un-comfortableness occur to quickly push them deep inside my core just a rapidly as they appeared and to be a man.  From the conversations I had with men older than me, it would appear that tribal programming was even stronger in their childhood.

The story I would like to share is about a friend that is about 10 years older than me and has experienced about 10 years of health issues.  As we were sharing some experiences of our lives the topic of emotional needs that all men require yet we are programmed by society that we don't need this emotional qualities.  As he shared more he was moved to tears as he expressed how deep the scaring of those negative words have been too him.  That scaring will never go away and there was a sense of release by hims as he was able to share his emotions in a safe environment.

In that moment a band-aid was applied that stopped the emotional bleeding for a while.  However that band-aid will fade away and the bleeding will start again.  Unfortunately sometimes men will make fun of other men and women for the sharing of emotions and I would like to challenge you to put an end to behaviors like these in a kind way.

I think people that are real and share emotions is what makes us human and yes all of our words do matter.  If your reading this and can relate, you to have probably been impacted with harsh words that have created deep wounds in  you.  As you reflect on how the words of others have impacted you I encourage you to use your words to build others up and not hold them down.  Look deeply inside and ask yourself what is the root cause of using the power of words in a negative way to others.

If you have hurt others, open yourself up emotionally and share your thoughts.  If you have been hurt, once again turn to someone that understands and share that hurt.  Through that sharing you will receive your band-aids to stop the emotional bleeding.

Ask questions like these to help improve the health of our environment of all our communities.  Act like these words will make a difference in a positive way because yes, words do matter.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

The Second Book The 44th Chapter - Find Your Way

Aug 28/17

Have you ever found yourself on a new journey and you don't know how to take your next step?  Do you ask yourself, is that what I should be doing?  How much further do I have to keep breaking my trail before life becomes easier?  Are there times filled with thoughts of it sure would be easier to turn around and go back on your cleared path?

I am currently in that phase in my life with difficult unknowns are still in front of me.  I know I could go back and there are moments I feel I should, but when this feeling is the strongest to return, a lifeline is given to me.  With this lifeline and the energy provided, I plunge further into my unknown.

As I am currently promoting my first book, I promote it through a few different media sites.  One thing I do everyday is find a meaningful quote and use that quote placed within some imagery, that all aligns up to that quote.  I noticed today a good friend liked my quote that I posted today.  This quote was "sharing what has impacted you in a positive way is a tangible way to grow and foster a better community".  A few hours later I noticed they had cleaned up some extra clothes and donated them to their community.  Which is currently experiencing a natural disaster and 1000's of people have been displaced from their homes.  Now that one kind act will not provide all of what is required for 1000's however to the people that do receive the needed clothes it will make a positive difference.

Today was my day of questing myself if I am able to find my new way.  I realized this brief quote is going to make a difference in someone's like and how can anyone measure this positive impact?  So when your faced with your moments of self-doubt don't turn around and return the way you came but use your energy to push forward.  Draw deeper and you will be given something back when you least expect it, which will help you to continue to break your new trail.

Your significant reward might be just around the corner and by turning around now you will miss it.  There is a cartoon picture that comes to mind of two people in different locations digging through hard ground to a buried treasure.  One gives up inches away and from the prize and turns around while the other pushes forward that last few inches and captures their reward.

You will know what your passion is and to live your passion turns your ordinary to extraordinary.  I encourage you to keep pressing forward and keep sharing your success with others.  We all will benefit from the sharing of your successes.  Enjoy your journey to find and actualize your way.