Sept 9/17
Have you ever started sharing something new that is of you to others? How do you know if your connecting or wondered who you are connecting with?
Recently I was wondering this and I continue to share thoughts and images of my first book on social media platforms. As the volume of work has progressed I was wondering if one of my social media sites was providing value to others. I was also concerned that I might be limiting my ability to do coaching or mentoring work at my location because of how I present is different than the main stream way that this area is used too.
My good friend John and I had a conversation about this and I expressed my concerns of how I was presenting. He started by asking me two questions, he asked if there are others posting that type of materiel from other locations. He then asked if I was feeling a sense of value when I am posting my images. Of course there is a yes to both questions and then he quickly stated, well keep posting and doing what your doing.
So I have continued to post my thoughts with a deeper sense of satisfaction of knowing I am providing value. He also stated that there will be folks out there that are not looking for my type of material and will not find value in it. He went on to say, that's ok and don't worry about the ones that are not engaged. Another lesson was taught to me with this experience and that is, if I am feeling I am growing, then put out my material to the universe.
The importance of keeping life simple comes to mind now. By the act of keep moving forward with my work, this will start to engage the tractor beam of attracting like minded people. I will start bringing in more people in my life that will find value in the energy from the sharing of thoughts. These thoughts will also provide guidance or perhaps cause a pause of reflection to some that read these words. I also don't worry about what folks think that do not find value in the materiel any longer, as they are on their own journey that provides them with their alignment.
Life is amazing and as individuals we are all so different yet the same. Topics and experiences are different in all of us yet the fundamentals of the need for emotional growth are the same. As long as we all arrive at the completion of our journey and feel we received the value we needed. Then that is our win. Harmony and balance with nature was then achieved in our life.
The more your practice and share your super power, the more you will attract like minded people. When your unsure of your direction, rely on your trusted inner circle as your internal sounding board. Once you have made your decision, then it is full steam ahead with your goals with relentless courage in the face of all obstacles.
This will take you to your success that you want and need in your life.
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