Sept 11/17
What does success look like to you? Does your current view of success provide the value of what you want in your life? How do you achieve more success?
These are thoughts I have in my goals to keep becoming a better person. In my past I have had a view of my success. What I mean is, when I accomplished a goal I felt it wasn't enough and because of that, the sense of self-satisfactions eluded me. Which then caused me to have a result of not building my motivation for success in building future accomplishments.
Recently I was able to meet with my great friend Jim and it has been a while since we spent time together. As we discussed our lives over the past year, he commented on all the growth and goals that I have completed. With excitement he shared the thought that all of the goals I previously shared with him in our last meeting, I have accomplished. Two of these goals took a razor focus on my part to finish. It was during this time working full time in a leadership role I was able to balance the addition of new skill sets. The goals were to become a serving member in our national police force and to publish my first book.
When I completed both of these goals I didn't view them as I should have, although each of them are very meaningful. Once completed I quickly moved onto my next goals. Jim reminded me the value of that I had accomplished and asked how I was able to complete that all in a short amount of time.
Because of this conversation I re-thought the idea of the view of success and how it is applied to me. I realized that success to the completion of my goals and to take those completion moments to integrate the energy of growth into my life. I realized by doing this it will grow myself with the cycle of setting goals, completing them and using the energy of completion to restart this process over again. This is a key requirement in the foundation of all of us to be able to experience the growth we all need in our life to feel that peace of nature.
In my past I would over think experiences and create a reality of them becoming more complex than they should have been. Use this cycle process in your life and repeat. Keep your focus simple and work your process cycle with the goal of completion. Everything you achieve takes energy and if you spread yourself on several different projects you will not have the energy for effective completion.
The carrying of your dreams and goals will be dropped by you as your too depleted to finish what you have started. It is common that we take to many goals on all at once and this creates an unrealistic view which causes our view of self to diminish. Quite often you might not be aware of why this is occuring in your life.
Ask yourself again what is your view of success for you. If it now it has changed, how are you going to change your approach while keeping your approach simple? Using this process cycle you will start feeling a change in your success of the completion of your goals.
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