Thursday, 19 October 2017

The Second Book The 55th Chapter - Locating Your Gold Nuget

Sept 15/17

Have your ever felt your working hard on your goals yet not achieving them at the level you would like?  Does it seem like your going through an endless amount of material yet not getting a significant return? 

As I was thinking about that concept I started looking at my results and identifying if the return was at the level I was aiming for.  As I thought about that, the concept of gold mining came to mind and how gold is found.  Step one is researching the area and looking for a geological formation that is known to have gold in it.  That is the easy part, now starts the hard part of sorting through tonnes of earth in the hope of finding a small amount of gold.

As the mine is explored and worked the mother load of gold is usually found and once it is found, the miner will work that area until all the gold is removed.  Once it is played out there will be a movement to another area of the mine or perhaps moving to an entirely different location. 

This process is started over again from the beginning of research and repeated.  Even though the process repeats the successful return of gold always varies.  As I thought about this concept I then applied this type of methodology to my life.

Starting the importance of selecting my goal, doing my research and going out to mine for my results.  There were times I would be stuck and keep looking in the wrong place and taking in the incorrect material.  This material did not align up to my goals of what I was trying to accomplish hence I was not able to find my success.  There was also times I was distracted and didn't fully capitalize on the return that was available to me.  Then comes the hardest experience, where I believed I am on the correct mine yet no results are coming or they are not at the level I would like.

In these moments I question if I am where I am supposed to be and if this mine is in my alignment of my goals.  As you ponder this thought, how does it impact your current situation?  Do you need to reflect on your goal?  Once you reflect do you need to change your goal? 

If you know your goal is sound then perhaps you need to change your mine location.  Yet if you know your goal and location is sound then keep working your strategy.  Even with your dark moments of doubt, when you quiet your mind you will know the answer to your questions.  You will know what you need to do for your success as your intuition will tell you.

As I am living life, one of my biggest lessons is the lesson of patience with digging deep, that is when the returns will come.  It is written in the cosmos of nature that with alignment of all three of these concepts you will find your gold nugget and your success. 

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