Tuesday, 24 October 2017

The Second Book The 58th Chapter - Gift of a True Friend

Sept 19/17

Have you felt the need to grow your strong and positive inner circle but are unsure of how to accomplish this?  Do you feel the need to grow an ability in your lift through the mentorship of others?

I had that feeling and specifically I value creativity of art and have a desire to learn more about writing.  I grew up as a conservative capitalist views with a strong focus on creating value that truly matters in the form of material things.  This environment of growth and shaping of me in my younger years was not a direct result of teaching from my parents.  In fact it was a trait that grew up in me from my parents over zealous acts of kindness to others.

Kindness to others is key and that something that we all should strive to do.  As a young child though when I experienced a lack of resources it became a struggle for me to embrace the fact of these resources were being given to others.  So this is the driving force and focus for me, as I went through my early teens I did not see the value of creativity.  I also know as a teenage boy I did lack the understanding of life and had selfish thoughts that revolved around me.

It wasn't until my early 40's I started to realize how much I enjoyed writing and sharing with others.  Once this writing started to occur the need for even more creativity surfaced in me.  From live theater, books of all kinds, to embracing someone that is creative at their core of being.  All of which I highly appreciate but also recognize the importance of balance.

This is when another true friend shared with me unexpectedly with me one evening.  I randomly received a text suggesting I should tune into a local community radio broad cast.  It was filled with a mix of deep light music and words of poetry.  All of which provided me with a deeper connection for the realness of life.  It helped me to over come a sense of loneliness and grew my realization of growth over the last few years.

This is a true friend and thank you Robbie for allowing yourself to share with me.  I have an excellent group of inner circle friends but what I have found in my growth is a deeper connection with these people.  All of which is driven by truly understanding myself and ensuring my actions are lining up to my true self.  The use of communication skills is another key factor as I share with my core of being of creativity with my inner circle.

Most times I have been meant with understanding although there are a few folks that fade away.  I have focused to keep this process simple in my life and by doing this, I am growing my success of having true friends.

Focus on what you truly want and keep repeating that process of working towards that in your daily life.  It is like a small rotation of a peddle that will enable you to reach your destination with the millions of small rotations.  Success in friendship will come to you and more importantly it will remain with you.

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