Monday, 2 October 2017

The Second Book The 45th Chapter - Your Words Matter

Aug 29/17

Have you ever wondered if your words to someone have had an lasting impact?  Think for a moment of some of the words directed to you in a negative way that caused feelings of hurt in you.  How long has that hurt lasted?  How deep are the emotional scars of those words?

I want to share a story of the impact of years of hurtful words that have left deep emotional scars in me.  Scars that will never go away and have left holes deep enough that have caused tears behind closed doors. 

As a 43 year old man I have been taught from a young age to be tough and to not allow feelings to create an emotional response of crying.  When moments of un-comfortableness occur to quickly push them deep inside my core just a rapidly as they appeared and to be a man.  From the conversations I had with men older than me, it would appear that tribal programming was even stronger in their childhood.

The story I would like to share is about a friend that is about 10 years older than me and has experienced about 10 years of health issues.  As we were sharing some experiences of our lives the topic of emotional needs that all men require yet we are programmed by society that we don't need this emotional qualities.  As he shared more he was moved to tears as he expressed how deep the scaring of those negative words have been too him.  That scaring will never go away and there was a sense of release by hims as he was able to share his emotions in a safe environment.

In that moment a band-aid was applied that stopped the emotional bleeding for a while.  However that band-aid will fade away and the bleeding will start again.  Unfortunately sometimes men will make fun of other men and women for the sharing of emotions and I would like to challenge you to put an end to behaviors like these in a kind way.

I think people that are real and share emotions is what makes us human and yes all of our words do matter.  If your reading this and can relate, you to have probably been impacted with harsh words that have created deep wounds in  you.  As you reflect on how the words of others have impacted you I encourage you to use your words to build others up and not hold them down.  Look deeply inside and ask yourself what is the root cause of using the power of words in a negative way to others.

If you have hurt others, open yourself up emotionally and share your thoughts.  If you have been hurt, once again turn to someone that understands and share that hurt.  Through that sharing you will receive your band-aids to stop the emotional bleeding.

Ask questions like these to help improve the health of our environment of all our communities.  Act like these words will make a difference in a positive way because yes, words do matter.

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