Sunday, 23 October 2016

The 12th Chapter - A Moment of Reflection of Helping Others

Nov 19/15

Take a moment to think about a person that has helped you in some way.  Whether is is personal or work related and thank them.  Once a thank has been given (a thank can be of any form  - it does not need to be made in the physical sense) then carry on the energy and help that you have received and pay it forward, not only just saying it but how the experience made you feel.  To be sharing what has impacted you in a positive way - with a direction to that person - that if they felt that information and support was helpful then ask them to pay it forward with the same direction.  This is a tangible way to grow and foster a better community...Imagine the positive impact this would have in the world if the process were to be replicated only once a day by everyone in your community.  It would only take two people to start a conversation like this and it would spread with the true intent to help others and no financial gain to be the giver of this information.  This may sound too fairy type of a concept and not possible, however if we all could keep thoughts like this in a simple form, this would work and there would be possible change within our lives and our health of our communities.

Which now leads to the person I would like to thank.  This person has had and continues to have a positive impact on my life that continually keeps replicating.  As the positive interactions have grown - due to these interactions this has lead directly of me to putting pen to paper.  In fact I am writing/sharing this now in a book given to me by him.  As in chapter one - with the instructions to fill the pages.  As you know from chapter one, this person is Todd - Thank you Todd for the continued positive and self development experience you have helped create in me.  I am grateful of the risk he took in me to start helping me create a meaning full life.  A moment of reflection to explain that thought in more detail...When I first met Todd I had a very different mind set then I currently have now and did not realize how much of a truly negative state I was in.  In fact in that moment in time I did believe I was in a good mind set and had a thought that if only all the others around me could see it....things would just be so easy and the problem of my current struggles were because others around me were the problem....Holy moly is this thinking painful for me or so painful for the people around me that could see it....but I did not.  I truly did think I was doing everything  right and I was not the I continue to reflect what an incredible waste of people's most precious gift - time.  It was true at that time in my career I did have a large workload and yes I was striving for excellence....but I never fully communicated to others nor did I let myself show any kind of vulnerability - which added to an environment that did not build trust to those around me.  For some reason Todd was able to see through my current state of chaos I was in and invested his time and energy in providing me a way to see things differently....

And as promised Todd - this chapter is dedicated to you and I truly thank you for your belief in me and never laying out judgement or giving up in me.  I will also continue to pass this message to anyone that will hear it and hope others will find it helpful.  For those of you that are truly looking for a different perspective to living - try to find balance in this life no matter where you are right now as you read these words.  I can actually picture these words coming out in print as the thoughts continue to come to mind and transit to paper.  All of us strive for greatness and this is possible by one thought and one conversation at a time of you setting your life.  Thank you for giving me the courage to present my thoughts and ideas that all of human kind has know for thousands of years and I hope those of you reading this - feel the gift of your time to ingest these pages have created a positive impact and has benefited you in some form.

As your time and feelings are truly the thing that should matter the most to you.

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased to see you take action Craig. You have honored me with kind words but truly my role is simple. Yes I do believe in you but the real work is taking action. Thank you for "filling the pages" I see now that you are on chapter 34. Wow! Don't forget I am learning too. - Keep up the good work. Seriously, this is good stuff.
