Saturday, 15 October 2016

The Tenth Chapter - Develop and Live Your Dreams

Nov 2/15

Hopes, dreams and aspirations and putting all those thoughts into your wheel of thoughts that will lead to you creating energy and forward actions as well as actual meaningful personal self fulfillment.  Over time people have tried to find purpose and self fulfillment through all different kinds of methods...Things such as religion, helping others or acts of selflessness or more personal harmful ways of self medication of some form....At the end of the day all of these forms will be difficult ways to help you achieve self fulfillment, in fact actually will slow down your personal growth and mask the true growth or insight that needs to be developed in you by you....I am not suggesting that any of the above things are bad for you or you should not do these kind things for others....In fact to do kind things for others should be something all of us should strive to do...The point is to not confuse what you are trying to do in your life.....Doing good things for others and your self development are two different things and are equally as important.... Unfortunately there is not an easy  fix or acts of good deeds or pills or any kind to achieve this and ultimately it will be up to you to grow your own self awareness....Based on this thought you have to actively try hard and put effort into your self fulfillment....

Take a what appears to be a random experience or people that you bump into appears to be random... However in reality these events are probably the universe providing you for what you are actually seeking....It is up to you to act and understand these event in your life that are currently happening.  From that starting point put plans in place to create a reality of self fulfillment....Read books as well, of the topics/content that you seek to add into your life...Always be humble and you never know when the most amazing gift will come to you and usually it is when you least expect it to appear...Put process into your life, study a successful person or business...Find out how they interpreted the data of challenges and created successes...Like you all these people you admire have the same challenges as you are right now.....Sometimes we will think that we are so different and our challenges are not like anyone else....Yes on the surface that is correct however the driving force of the energy of yours, mine and others experiences are all the same....When we get up in the morning....all of us have the same amount of mental energy that is ours to use as we choose....The difference in people is how we use this energy....What are we looking at doing with this energy?  Trying to create good all around us or the opposite?  Whatever we decide to do with this energy will then create a field around us...that will either attract great things towards us...Or not...Like Yoda has said...."do or do not, there is no try"...Once we have used this energy fuel, picture a car that once had a full tank of gas and now is empty, this is true with our mental fuel....Its up to us to decide and reflect...Did I use this gas to what I truly want?  or not?  Did I add to my day and others around me?  What did I bring into my life today?  Based on that how do I feel right now?  Use those feelings to help determine how your are going to use your full tank of mental energy tomorrow...

When you start finding yourself in a state of not having enough time to do what you want to do in your day....This is a form of validation that your on your correct path...Life should be full and fulfilling on whatever you do and should not be filled with large periods of boredom...If you find yourself in a state of boredom you might be making mistakes and wasting your precious time...It is up to you to make changes and fill that boredom with tangle tools to reach your person fulfillment.

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