Oct 22/2015
True growth and development is very easy and is a step by step process. The only reason why growth will not happen is if we chose it not to....All successes come from hard work, determination and being motivated to truly become our greatest.. Our past development years of a child is usually an environment of "no you can't do that Johnny or no that is wrong or that is not possible" this type of feedback results in such a narrow scope of what our reality and normalcy becomes and directly impacts to a lower level of what we end up achieving in our life. The power of what we believe is what we become. So these pivotal moments when our minds are so young, full of the possibility that anything is possible (and require positive reinforcement )we receive the opposite - probably poor communication from a parent or teacher type figure.... We all know we can not change the past however with being able to understand and identify with this pattern we can do two things. First is more of a understanding to who we are and why we have become what we are. This will allow us to make concrete changes of growth. This is not the magic pill we all seek for greatness however it is another component to keep rebuilding our requirement for a strong foundation of our emotional well being. The second part to this awareness of our childhood and the impact of communication is - the next time you hear a young child speak or act in a why that is different - remember back when you were that child....How did you feel at the moment when you were sharing yourself with an adult? What kind of response did you get back from that adult? And in general as you were so young and developing what was the average outcomes of those communication moments? Based on that - how will you interact when you have that next conversation? Will you take the time needed to encourage growth and development? There will be times as well that you may need to gently redirect young minds if they are totally off track.... Yes that will happen as they are still learning how to emotional grow and express.... The same pattern can be observed in learning to walk as a young child and like the marathon runner it is easy to see the results of walking or the end of the race around the corner.... The difference with emotional growth is it is not as tangle as an outsider looking on to someone....There also is a chance that you may not be able to fill the need in these situations.....that is totally normal....all you need to do is be honest and say I am not sure and direct them to someone else.....The importance of taking the time with someone needs something and to be completely honest is key!!! Remember words are so powerful....so when you have to be honest and it might impact or take away from someone else's energy...be kind with your words.
Keep in mind I am not saying these adult type people that may have had a negative impact in your childhood development are bad people.....In fact I believe totally the opposite the vast majority of these people are good people and are doing the best of the limited teaching they themselves had....The patterns of behavior repeat and repeat.....As this pattern repeats - I have observed it seems to be based on fear of failure and sometimes causes us to live a life where we are not able to live up to our full potential.....as sensitive beings and as we all try to become stronger it is up to all of us to be aware of this and makes changes going forward.... Not only in our day to day life but to share these ideas with others with the goal to truly make a difference.....That may sound so clique but once again it really is that simple...
The wheel of thought was recently introduce to me and I found it so powerful in regards to able to make effective decisions and understand the emotions caused by them.. As the result of our emotions humans will react in totally different outcomes due to several different facts...These could be past experience or even something as simple as the current emotion felt will change an outcome that a person would normally never do....The value in the thought wheel is - try to visualize a computer you input data and based on set programmed parameters you then receive an output...So in us this process starts with some kind of stimulation/communication that impacts one of your five senses....from that moment a thought in you has now been created and based on your current emotions and past experiences your thought will create emotion. From that emotion that leads to an action which is your output back to whatever one of your fives senses were just stimulated.....So it does not matter what your stimulation is, you and only you have the power to create your reality of what will happen next....Do you want positive growth in your life? Do you want success? Do you want conflict? It is that simple, to use this thought above to start making intimidate positive change, and you don't need to spend years trying to understand the human psychology to achieve positive results in your life..
Key important facts for a healthy mid set is to keep everything you do in regards to your thoughts simple and keep to what you know and is true....Avoid at all cost - conjecture and assumptions of what other people may do or may have done or may feel within your intimate circle of friends or in your partner...Engage in actively listening, put your thoughts on hold and give the greatest gift you can to anyone - (time) is your uninterrupted and undivided attention for that brief moment,... Time is truly the greatest gift one can give another and when that happens please have full grace and acknowledge of that persons time....For in that moment and acting with this premise of being true will lead to all of what you seek and strive for in life to you. What you believe and you know to be true is the only thing that matters and the fact is "Johnny" - sometimes your behavior might not been appropriate on your output but your thought is always right...That is yours and no one else as long as this thought is based on what you know is right and true.
Write down what you want to achieve and when life is moving on, keep acting back to what you have wrote down.....Do some research of a success story and learn from that story....There is a very good chance that success story was built on a clear concept of what that person/group wanted to achieve....From that clear concept the energy starts to build, keep in mind that you will have to make adjustments along the way, as external factors will come in to play, however by staying aligned to what you truly want - you will get it!!
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