Monday, 3 October 2016

The Seventh Chapter - Energy is Growing or Retracting - How Does That Apply to You

Oct 14/2015

Energy is always either growing or retracting, it is never static at whatever you look at in the physical world that surrounds us...So if you can see it or in people (relationships, self-improvement...etc) or in our work or current personal development projects - depending what you put into your efforts or what your focus is whether it is negative or positive, or in some cases do not put any kind of energy, it will determine the results....It might sound somewhat magical - in a sense maybe it is, because we tend to miss, in general, how simple life gifts truly are and how simple they are to master....To daily focus on achieving your goals and to be able to be 100 percent true to your one controls that but you....and to achieve what you truly need all you have to do is to have those two key ingredients.....a specific goal and knowing your truth....No one can provide you with your next step in life....its up to you to follow your quietness inside you.....take that time you need and not get distracted by all of the easy distractions around you.....Sometimes  when your working on something positive you may not feel the immediate feeling of positive growth and you may even find or question that you might be wasting your time or efforts.... Doing these times it is critical you do not ever give up and keep pushing forward, because even though you might not think something is good is around the corner the finish line might be just where you can't see it at the moment...Picture a marathon runner that is almost finished their run but stops at one last corner and not aware the finish line is just around the bend, just because they were too tired....Now in the real world would that happen realistically?  Probably not and the runner and us looking on would generally all reach the same consensuses or comment "why wouldn't they just finish the run, it was done in just a few more steps and so much effort was already put in to complete the goal"   - what sane person would just give up now so close to being complete?  The same concept applies to our personal internal journeys of self improvement the major difference is we usually cannot see where the finish line is at on the marathon of our personal track in regards to how close that finish line is....Never quit, regroup, relearn when there are setback (oh yes - prepare yourself because you will have setbacks) and carry on to your objective you want to achieve.....

Never forget how you felt as a 5 year old child....the world was truly yours and whatever you want to achieve was up to you to make it happen....When we grow older we forget to keep things simple or allow others/distractions get in the way of who we can be....In each of us lives someone and a person that is truly great....the only difference between you and the person you must look up to (idol) and feel they are of a great value to the world or a example of  success is truly you.....only you can hold yourself back and only you can unlock the key to your success....If your in a time in your life that you are feeling you are not hitting your mark or could do so much more.....remember back to when your 5 years old...What did you want do to the most?  How were you going to do it?  Remember the universe provides all and when we are young all those memories/abilities are freshly in our minds, as they are only currently 5 years old....So with the power of 5....Take 5 minutes everyday, remember back when you were 5, name 5 things you wanted to do or see or complete....take 5 minutes to research tangible tools of how your going to achieve your goals of personal greatness.....and remember its only you that decides what is great!!!!!  Then it is a simple as to start taking one step at a time to finish your marathon....

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