Saturday, 1 October 2016

The First Chapter - The Introduction

Good day everyone, this is the first time for me to do something like this.....please keep in mind I do not have any type of formal training and I am writing this to share with you all.  My goals are to continue to understand life's experiences by sharing with all of you.  I am curious to see what you think of these, what appears to be random thoughts and observations of life and patterns that seem to exist all around in short this will not be  the traditional read and very organic.  I also am doing this to explore a healthy venue to heal myself as well I hope some of these thoughts would resonate with you and find comfort as well or at least provoke a thought that stays with you.....How do you measure the value of a thought??

I do have a rough format set out, I have completed several short chapters that I have wrote down in a book that are dated at the time I completed them.  I also wanted to share how I got this far of putting down words to paper and sharing with you all.  I have a friend, mentor, leader that I have shared some of these ideas you will read over the coming days and his comment to me is that this is good materiel.  My thought immediately response back to him was - but this is not new ideas or concepts as this type of thoughts have existed since the beginning of time.... His response back was yes that is correct, however the way you explain your view of these same concepts turn the ideas into something fresh.   I thought about that for a while....and in typical human fashion I did nothing at all with my thoughts in regards to writing them down with the goal to share with those that would like to read them.  Over approximately a years time my friend kept asking have you started the book??  Of course my response remained a no with the excuse I am thinking about it.....One day I received a package in my mail and opened it to find a beautiful brown leather bound book.  I opened it to the first lined page to read this....dated Sept 28/2015.


Congratulations on starting a new chapter.  "It always seem impossible until its done."
I look forward to hearing and sharing in your success!

                                                         Todd den Engelsen

P.S Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing - Benjamin Franklin
P.P.S or do both!!!  These blank pages are to get you started.

So this how now lead today Oct 1/2016 - almost exactly a year later....I sincerely hope as you read. this you will feel the time spent was value added to your life.....and a life time of measuring thoughts of value!!!!

So a big thank you Todd, no matter what the end result of these words will be or if others will read them, I have found the value in your words and has empowered me to start creating and sharing with others that may find thank you so much Todd and I am grateful for a random package that showed up in my mail.  It has all started with one simple word..."Good"

CMJ Journey of Life - Blog Daily Observations

Sept 30/15

There are no new ideas, the difference is to be able to re-present patterns and theories and ideas in a way that is relevant to the current lens of people around you right now and in this time.  Think of going to a eye doctor for a eye check up, the image on the wall far way does not change, it's only the lens of the phoropter that change, which in fact makes the image on the wall clear and therefore appears to you that it changes.


  1. Craig, this is worth reading. I am glad to be both spectator and at times an actor in your story. I have every confidence that as your begin this new journey of writing and exposing your ideas and interpretation of ideas to others, that you will provide value to your own healing and to others.

    write on Craig!

    from the sidelines - Todd

  2. I too think this sheds wonderful insight, an interesting read and a fresh way express yourself

  3. An artist is someone who interprets his world by observation and intuition and shares it with others, whereby enhancing their world.
    There is a book in you that we need to hear or read.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a wonderful avenue to share your thoughts and experiences with those open to it! I truly believe you will prove to add value to lives around you which is such a powerful and rare thing now! I can't wait to read more :)
