Sunday, 23 October 2016

The 13th Chapter - Weight Loss Success Thought

Dec 3/15

I noticed weight loss programs in general will usually try to pitch their product with the thought that their program is "very easy" - So depending how you understand that term it can be read and interpretative  in two different ways.  Yes it is a easy process, if you follow the simple steps provided to you by the weight loss program - in theory yes you should be able to accomplish your goal.  However the biggest part of the component missing is the hardest to do and that is not as easy....and that is to reprogram your habits/brain of unhealthy actives that you may have been doing for years.  You are used to what you know and you will need a tangible tool to help you readjust your thoughts and habits.  These will need to change before you start on your weight gain goal....for as missing this critical step it will make your results that much harder to achieve....  Without this awareness there is a strong possibility that the results you seek may not become long term.

It will take a tremendous amount of courage to break out of your old habits and to have the desired change you want in your life.  Once the hard work has been done in realizing this fact then the foundation needs to be built before you start on any journey and then it will become easier.  Whether your goals are to lose weight or become healthier emotionally - all of the programs that you would like to follow, can be broke down into easy small bite size chucks which will allow you to start to form a new pattern.  Once you start achieving your small goals this pattern replication will become faster and faster and with sometime and practice it will actually become easier.  I am guessing you know where I am going with this next the person training for the marathon as discussed before - this pattern will need to be repeated in whatever venture you take on.

By doing this small steps to achieving your goals it will allow your brain to adjust and the rewiring of your thought patterns will happen.  Depending on your age and your up bringing, you have spent years perfecting whatever behavior it is that you would like to change.  So it will take the equal amount of effort to change that behavior...Keep in mind the time to take this will usually be shorter to rewire your brain as you now have self awareness and the power of intention on your side.  Usually the patterns of behavior that you would like to change have occurred so long ago and so slowly you might not even notice it has occurred....until self awareness is born in you.  Like the frog put in a pot with room temperature water will stay in it, as the stove is turned on and slowly raises the water temperature, the frog will stay there until its death.   Put the frog in already boiling water and it will jump out.

Take comfort in knowing what is going on and to why you have feelings of frustration as you might not think you are achieving your goals fast enough.  Take away the pressure on yourself to feel it should be so easy or others telling you it is easy - when your not aware of the reasons why.  Without first fixing your wheel of thought, it might be possible to head down a path of self doubt and a feeling of failure.  The irony is that when you started this journey of self improvement you were in a positive thought of energy is not in fact turned into the opposite.  Without this issue getting repaired the results could have your behavior turning out even worse then before you started.  That possible failure could be two fold as your not getting the change you originally set out to achieve, plus the additional stress of failure.

If this happens readdress and start asking yourself why this result has happened.  Be truthful to yourself on the answers you provide and with this answers self awareness will grow to why this unsuccessful event is occurring within you.  From there adjust your goal, to one that you know you can achieve and start to measure your accomplishments.

Remember it is OK to have failure and what is not OK is to not learn from these failures.

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