Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Second Book The 24th Chapter - Grow Your Emontions

July 13/17

When is the last time you have completed a internal check on your emotions and their growth?  Do you feel you lack emotions or do you feel your emotions are scattered?  Like any pattern in life your emotions too require growth to fully experience life.

If you land in the first group that seems to lack feelings or they are low, spend a moment to reflect and ask yourself why that might be.  This chapter will not tell you how to unlock your emotions as this is intended for you to look inward.  The Latin word for educate means to come from within,  By asking yourself why, you will start to unlock your barriers for your growth.  Once you start to experience and feel your emotions grow you will experience a scattering of your emotions.

This is your critical time of your emotional growth and as you explore this growth be mindful of your audience.  Rely on your close positive inner circle of friends as emotions of growth is required for you to keep leveling up in your life.  If you choose the wrong people to share and combined with your environment this may cause some negative effects to your quest to gather your energy.

Always focus back to your alignment, which unlocks your passion.  Once you have your emotions and passions aligned this extra energy will provide you the fuel to a great level of success.  Whomever your greatest mentor is they will have mastered this alignment.

This is key for you to practice, as without your doing this on a daily basis you will not go where your are capable of going.  You can also use the emotions of passion to increase the probability to exit an organization that you are not aligned with.  Senior leaders within your work environment know this concept very well.

Have you ever wondered why in some cases your leaders exit an organization?  They probably were a long term high performer and continued to be however all of a sudden they leave.  There is a good chance this leader took control of their own destiny by creating their environment to leave.  They would have recognized an opportunity and capitalized on that opportunity to move them to their next step.

I encourage you to reach out to this person and ask for a meeting with them.  Explain your intent and ask if they would be willing to share with you the experience prior to the meeting.  You will learn a lot from this conversation and connecting with this person.

This time spent with them will multiply your time after your meeting.  Grow your emotions one moment and one conversation at a time.

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