Aug 19/17
Like a lot of people right now I a concerned with the increasing division of the people that live in Canada and the United States. We are privileged to live in an area of the world that provides us with such abundance that others would love to experience in their day to day lives. Yet with time, we seem to be going further away from community collaboration and pitting ourselves against each other. This has caused me to pause and ask why and wonder where we are heading over the next 20 years.
I asked myself are we creating value to this planet or are we consuming like a giant parasite? As I looked deeper to why this division seems to be growing, I wondered when the last time you and I said a thank you to someone that is hurting? The behavior to lash out and dominate others with hard view points usually stems from a deep seated hurt in themselves.
We are all born into this world with love and innocence and we need support from others to maintain this mindset. Over time as these two wonderful traits disappear they are replaced with bitterness and emptiness. When you have met a person that has lost their key foundation of innocence, what is your response? Usually my pattern will be to avoid that person but then I thought about how much power would be to say a simple thank you and recognizing something positive in that person. What would the impact be in that person? What would the impact be if we all united with kindness and compassion?
The great leader of India, Gandhi, came to mind and how he lead long term change. How acceptance and compassion can led to incredible change to millions of people. I would like to share a small story of how a thank you has impacted me. As my first book is now published I have struggled in the actual value it is providing to others. In my darkest moments of struggle, out of nowhere a email will come in and say thank you for the words that I have put together. The message will say the words have made a positive difference to them. So quickly the impact of these positive words have on my confidence and changes my outlook to one that is positive vs. one of emptiness of my work. Which leads me to wonder, how would positive recognizing of value add contributions make a difference to our community?
Perhaps momentum of the masses would not start going down the path of bitterness and emptiness by having positive interactions with individuals that are creating positive value. Let's all make an effort to make a positive difference to someone with each interaction and each day.
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