Aug 10/17
We commonly think of change as a negative or uncomfortable experience when it happens in our life. I am going to challenge you to think about change in a different way and of the end result of change it is good. It is the transition period to get to your new change is the root cause of your struggle.
All of you reading this has experienced some kind of transition, whether it's the loss of a loved one, a job or perhaps an intimate relationship. Once the process of transition begins this is where the energy required from us begins. This is where the pain of an experience is felt at full force. The cycle of the 5 stages of grief begin and they all belong to you once you start your cycle.
As you know at the start of this book I shared that I am an upper middle manager out of my normal traditional work. I was good at my position and based on feedback from my V.P I knew I was in alignment of what the organization considered value. That all changed with the acquisition and in a brief moment a decision was made and I was now in the moment of the start of my transition. With a stroke of a pen I went from adding value to a company asset to now a ledger liability.
At first I was relieved however as time passed I have realized the 5 stages of grief have applied to me. I have spent a while now in the depression stage and now just moving into the acceptance phase. I would like to share of how I was able to move into my acceptance.
That is support that was given to me from a great and incredible human being. As I have been doing this journey without a significant other, support from another human being was something I was lacking. Due to my previous training on personal and organizational development, I knew what was going on with me however I couldn't get out of the cycle of depression. I didn't have the strength to reach out to ask for that support.
I would almost break out of that cycle and then slide back. I was looking at myself and asking myself where was I going and who was I becoming. Then I realized the universe will give you whatever you need but the catch is you first have to identify what you need and second you need to ask for what you need.
So yes, transition was not fun and I still am not sure where my future will lead however a turning point has been made and now with a new acceptance. I am able now to put energy required from me to reach my new change instead of paralyzed in looking back to my past.
Picture your new change as a sense of accomplishment once you arrive which was provided by the uncomfortable transition period we all face in our life.
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