July 18/17
Do you ever ask yourself when is the right time to press forward? When is the moment for you to make your difference? Being in the valley of hesitation will slow your growth and given enough time will stop your growth.
In history there usually is a key moment when a decision was made to have a high return on the investment. A moment of a hard go, when you reach that moment of a hard go, there is no stopping you. This pattern in nature is all around and when that moment a hard go is started all energy is invested to change the current reality.
Just as important is your work up to your hard go moment. Ask yourself what your thoughts and actions currently are and do they line up to your hard go moment. As all this alignment is critical for you to reach your maximum success with this movement.
One moment in history I find very moving is the first manned moon mission. This pattern of ensuring, for years, of alignment of goal was paramount from that one last launch to the pre-work of that first moment of planning. All the sacrifices and resources invested lead to that moment when Neil Armstrong was able to step on the moon. Just as important as to invest all in the moment to press forward, the process to realize your goal is also of great importance. It is vital that your safety systems be put in place, should something go not as planned before you enter into the point of no return.
The balance is required in you for your success and once you have your alignment of your cause, established your safety systems your motivation will signal you to start your hard go. Also be aware that your attempt to level up might not be successful so also think about your options. If you are not successful, when this happens do not think of this moment of a failure but as a moment to evolve and improve your strategy.
After each success or mishap in the moon project there was always a debrief session. Also keep this thought in your process after your hard go moments have occurred as a strategy for continuous improvement. Ask yourself things like, What did you execute well on? What do you need to improve? In your debrief session write down how you are going to make your adjustments.
It is important to physiologically get ready for whatever outcome you experience, whether it be positive or negative. Be aware that once your great accomplishments are complete your energy high will fade. Like the moon project in 1969 the excitement the world felt was one of wonder and a sense of man kinds accomplishment. Fast forward to now and that energy of that moment is lost but to a few people.
Utilize that energy momentum when you are successful on your hard go's. Once it fades, do not morn its lose but use that energy to start building your next moment of a hard go.
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