Monday, 25 September 2017

The Second Book The 39th Chapter - Follow Your Insights

Aug 24/17

Have you ever experienced some random thought totally appear out of the blue?  Perhaps it is to remember to do a task or to reach out to a friend.  It could be as simple as a hi or wanting to share  of an experience that has reminded you of them.  When you have these thoughts how often have you ignored that thought to reach out to them?  Perhaps you worried they might be too busy or you are thinking sharing to them might not have value.

I would like to share a recent experience of how I ignored my thought to reach out to a friend but after a day of procrastination I did reach out.  As I published my blog, Chapter 11, this person was in this chapter and  as I wrote the words I felt I wanted to share with my friend that I wrote about them.  However I ignored this thought and carried on with my day.  I was worried they were too busy and my call would be a distraction to them.  This morning when I woke up this thought came to my mind again, so this time I texted to say hi and communicated I wrote about them.  Of course all good and positive in the writing this  share was about them.  Almost immediately I received a text back saying that is funny as I was just thinking of you and was going to text you when I was in the office this morning.

I have learned two life lessons based on my one thought with this experience.  This is also another example of the multiplier effect in regards to positive events that happen with the follow through of my thoughts that are put to action.  If I didn't follow through with the thought to reach out I wouldn't have received the gift of the multiplier effect.

The first lesson is the obvious one and that is for me to remember to follow the thoughts that come to me.  The second lesson is so key, as it relates to selecting my inner circle of friends.  The gratefulness I have of the honesty and sharing back freely these thoughts to my friend. Also my friend had the same thought as well.  That mystic type positive feeling that was created by an honest sharing and neither one of us concerned of the feeling of vulnerability.

A positive example and experience of how real sharing has a positive effect to my surroundings.  This has also taught me to keep following up and acting on my thoughts as this is in alignment to the path I need to take in my life.  These small moments of positive affirmation are ones that start to move your needle up in your ability to enjoy your life.

Take the energy of these moments to provide for you to move yourself forward and to help others move forwards.  Once you start helping others, that is when you can fully experience the multiplier effect of your internal greatness first hand.  This is where you will be making a difference that truly matters to people you come in contact with.

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