Wednesday, 27 September 2017

The Second Book The 41st Chapter - See Your Gift

Aug 26/17

When life's transitions come to you, can you see the gift given to you at the time?  Do you see the positive or view the change of journey in your life as negative? 

When I was running away from my transition I went though a time when I was in a negative place.  I pulled myself out of that place and once that happened I was able to reconnect with a friend.  I wrote about this friend in my first book and was grateful of being able to work together achieving our goals.

A friendship had started and continues to grow and the value to our journey is also increasing.  As I shared with him my current reality and the journey he was impressed that I was able to shift my focus and come back from a dark place.  He is also excited for me that I have seen my gift and an now currently following my passion with this gift.  He is a positive upbeat person and I have missed our bi-weekly check in's and conversations. 

I asked myself why was I not connecting with him until today, I realized the reason is me.  I realized that my negative energy that was around  me wouldn't allow me to connect with him.  Yet once I reset myself a connection immediately happened again and the experience was valuable with a natural flow of conversation.  All with alignment of the goals we both have in helping each other to keep improving and achieving more.

I was reminded of the story of holding onto a rock in the ocean in my first book and slowly sinking to the ocean floor because of that rock.  Once I let go of my negative rock, I popped back to the surface and he was still there where he needed to be. 

I have realized 2 gifts at a higher level today.  One is the value of true companionship and the other is seeing the gift I have been given in this moment.  How sad it would be for me if I sailed through this moment in my life getting drawn deeper into the depths with my negative rock and not see the opportunity placed before me. 

As you read these words, do you have a sense of unease?  Do you know you are truly seeing all your gifts that are currently in front of you?  I know in my case I have asked for everything I have received and the irony is a first I resented this gift.

I am so grateful I was given the gift of vision of my gift and I intend to keep working hard on making this gift an opportunity with the time given to me.  I wasted some of this gift, which I can't get back, however that to is a lesson for me to truly embrace each moment.  My gift has been given time and resources to do what I truly love and that is to create words with a goal to help others in their life's experiences. 

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