Sunday, 17 September 2017

The Second Book The 33rd Chapter - A Pause

Aug 17/17

For years now I have had job tasks and kid raising activities and at this moment I have neither.  I still spend time with my kids but now they are independent and once that process begins, as a parent I find a lot of spare time.

The speed at which I used to go was positive in the aspect of accomplishing tasks however with that speed came the realization I was not able to see everything that was occurring in the moment.  Pattern replication once again comes to mind and how fast our speed is as we travel through our life.  The faster we go with our thoughts the less we can actually see our surroundings.  Compare this to taking a slow walk on a path, our eyes and minds have time to follow and process our environment.  Yet if we take the same path while riding a peddle bike as fast as we can that same path will appear different to us.  That difference is driven by the fact of an increased speed and a lowering the amount of effective process time.

While I have learned my intuition and gut feeling is an adequate way to base decisions on next steps in life, I have learned the need for balance.  There is a need to do things quickly on occasion and you do need to rely on your intuition however by doing this all the time you will miss valuable life growing lessons.

In nature with animals their pace is always thought out and selected.  Each movement is one that always conserves energy and taking in all of their environment.  The only exception to this rule is when flight or fight concept applies, when life or death is a possibility.  Then at the moment nature does operate on quick intuition of insights.  I have operated at that high level of flight or fight for years now and it has lead me to lose relationships, effective connections with my kids and even had an impact on my results in my work environment.

I have had several conversations over the years for my quest to fully understand this chapter but fully did not understand it until now.  With vast amount of time and no pressure I feel my stress needle sliding down and that has enabled me to understand the value of a pause.  I am grateful the universe has provided me with this gift even though it has been painful at times.  This pause has forced me to address issues with myself that I have ignored in the past.

With the passing of each day, I realize I am one day closer to where I need to be.  I have been asking the universe to help me to stop making the same painful decisions of my past and right now the universe is granting me my wish.

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